What Causes Dental Implant Complications and How You Can Avoid Them

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Endosseous system is currently the most popuar system being used to replace a missing tooth. For more than thirty years, it has been succesful in replacing missing teeth. Titanium is usually the metal used in dental implants. Titanium is safe for the human body. And it bonds well with the jawbone. 90% of implant procedures proved to be succesful – and they lasted for a very long time.

However there are rare times when problems happen.Sometimes, the bone breaks, the implant breaks or both of them break while in the process of osseointegration. But don’t worry. If this happens, the dentist can remove the damaged implant and replace it with a new implant while the dentist is doing a bone grafting procedure.

These are the common causes of dental implant complications:

  • If the implant surface is infected, it can prevent the metal and the bone from fusing well. Infection happens if dental tools and equipment used during the procedure are not sterile. Usually, dental surgeons recommend that you take antibiotics after a dental implant procedure to fight bacteria that may have possibly entered your wound.
  • Peri-implantitis, or the infection in the area of the implant can be caused by the same bacteria that causes periodontal diseases. To avoid this from happening, good oral care is key. Be diligent in flossing, brushing and dental cleanings just like in natural teeth.
  • If the bite on the implants are too strong or concentrated on one area, it can cause the implant to break or be damaged. The force of the bite needs to be distributed evenly.

There are also other factors that decrease the success rate of dental implants. Smokers have 50% less chance of achieving a succesful dental implant. Smokers have increased risk for factors that cause an implant to fail – peri-implantitis, infection, slow healing and a smoker’s body also cannot absorb medication as much as non-smokers would.

The same is true for diabetics. Wounds don’t heal in a normal pace and they are highly susceptible to infection that could lead to other complications. To prevent this, the dental surgeon must have a thorough knowledge of the patient’s medical history before they allow their patients to undergo the procedure.

No one can be 100% sure that their dental implant treatment will be a complete success. But you increase your chance for success if you choose a dentist or dental team that is experienced and reputable especially when it comes to dental implants. If you select a good dental team and you’re diligent in maintaining good oral hygiene, you are reducing your chances of running into implant problems.